2011 Bird-A-Thon

The Alamos Wildlands Alliance (AWA) would like to invite you to participate in our first Annual Bird-A-Thon! It’s easy, fun and good for the birds! AWA is a grassroots 501c-3 non-profit organization dedicated to Conservation, Education and Research in Southern Sonora, Mexico. Through research and monitoring, education, partnerships, and responsible tourism at the Navopatia Field Station and other places, we hope to protect what is left of this exceptional and important part of the world. All funds raised during this event will focus on field station improvements. Please visit www.alamoswildlands.org to find out more about our organization.

A Bird-A-Thon is a fundraiser much like a walk-a-thon or bike-a-thon where individuals or teams count the number of different bird species seen or heard in a 24-hour period. Each participant collects pledges from family, friends, relatives, neighbors or businesses, and then goes birding during the event week. It will take place January 30 through February 5, 2011. SuperBird Saturday is February 5, and represents the last day you can go birding before we tally results on Super Bowl Sunday.

Here is how it works: people count birds and collect pledges from sponsors based on the number of species they see (or a lump sum can be pledged). All you have to do is choose a 24-hour period during the Bird-A-Thon week and start counting. You can do it alone or form a team. You don’t have to be an expert; some people even participate from their home, counting the visitors to their feeder. Others cover dozens of miles in a day, racking up over 200 species in some areas. The key is to have fun!

You can also sponsor a counter by pledging an amount for each species recorded. For example, if you pledge $1 per species, and your counter records 100 species, you would donate $100. Or, you can also pledge a lump sum regardless of the number of species counted. Click here to sponsor a team/individual online.

Prize categories will be established to recognize those participants whose efforts achieved the greatest results. Prizes include free nights at the Navopatia Field Station, Guided Bird Trips, T-shirts and more!

It’s easy to sign up! Download the forms below to get started. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view them. Then send an email to HelpAWA@gmail.com letting us know you are participating, or if you have any questions.



  • Birdathon guidelines – overview of how to get started.
  • Sample Letter to Sponsors – sample letter to potential sponsors that you can personalize.
  • Pledge Sheet – for keeping track of your sponsors and pledge amounts. Don’t forget to read the instructions on the second page.
  • Pledge Card Fill-in – a fillable form for you to email to sponsors so they can fill it out online, then return it to you without having to print and mail.
  • Pledge Card – the same card, but for you to print and cut and have sponsors fill out.
  • Pledge Card Online – for sponsors to fill out online
  • Summary Form – your Bird-A-Thon results.

Please print clearly on all forms. When you have completed your Bird-A-Thon, return the Pledge Sheet, Summary Form, and All Donations to AWA at the address below.

Alamos Wildlands Alliance, PO Box 1558, Goldendale, WA 98620

If you have any questions, please email us at HelpAWA@gmail.com.

Thank you and Happy Birding!

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